Dr. Sandra Baydock

Dr. Sandra Baydock MD, CCFP

Dr Sandra Baydock is our clinic’s Obstetrician/ Gynecologist. Dr. Baydock is very happy to have joined the clinic in August 2023 and has been in practice since 2005. She provides on site consultation to all the family doctors at Heritage Medical Clinic as well having her own Obstetrics practice and accepting gynecology referrals from family doctors in the community at large.

Her obstetrics practice consists of a wide array of patients from low risk pregnancies to high risk ones, such as twins, mothers’ with medical issues and patients requiring more complex deliveries. She is part of an on-call group with all the other OBGYNs at the Grey Nuns Hospital where she does her deliveries and surgeries.

Dr Baydock has a busy gynecology practice seeing most general gynecology concerns like patients experiencing abnormal periods, postmenopausal bleeding and contraceptive counseling / IUCD insertions. Dr Baydock has advanced training in Urogynecololgy with special emphasis on women needing surgery for bladder incontinence and prolapse issues.

Dr Baydock did her undergraduate degree at the University of Winnipeg where she obtained a Bachelor of Sciences degree. She attended medical school at the University of Manitoba and her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Alberta. She then was off the Dalhousie University in Halifax where she did a further two-year fellowship in Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery. She began practice in 2005, first at the Royal Alexandra Hospital before moving her practice to the Grey Nuns Hospital in 2007.

Dr Baydock is very involved is medical education and teaches all levels of trainees from medical students, family medicine residents to residents in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has won numerous teaching awards and was named the Medical School Staff President of the Class of 2020.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dog. She has traveled extensively and her most current hobbies include learning to be a better baker under the tutelage of her colleagues at Heritage Medical